Corona virus latest news and its symptoms

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Coronavirus latest news and its symptoms

Corona virus latest news and its symptoms

After a massive tornado by a coronavirus in china, this dangerous disease comes to India. In India’s capital Delhi a man is found infected by coronavirus so the people in Delhi are very fearful not to get infected by this virus. every man should be very cautious. In China, by a novel coronavirus (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) large numbers of people got infected and died and the numbers are increasing.

Corona virus latest news and its symptoms
Health ministry India rejects Visa from Japan, Italy, South Korea and Iran.6 peoples in India found positive corona virus infected. In Jaipur, an Italian man found infected by a coronavirus.
Coronavirus are a very large family of viruses that cause dangerous disease in the human body starting from common cold to MERS CoV (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) and more severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS CoV) is a new type of disease that can never be seen in a human body before.
It is that kind of disease those viruses can be transmitted from animals to humans that are called the zoonotic type of disease.
According to a report, 98% of corona virus-infected people have a fever,82% of people got dry cough and 11% to 44% of people got exhaustion and fatigue problems. Coronavirus got too dangerous for the old man.

Common symptoms of Corona Virus

Corona virus latest news and its symptoms

Common symptoms of coronavirus are fever, cold, fatigue, and cough, shortness of breath.
Signs of coronavirus are easy to detect but not confirmed by local doctors you need to check by the top level of doctors they verify if you are infected by coronavirus or any other disease.
In more severe cases the infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS CoV), kidney failure and at last death.

Precautions of Coronavirus

Top level of doctors in the world got recommendations not to got infected by the coronavirus you must cover your mouth,regular washes your hand with soap or sanitize.Cover your nose when sneezing,not get into too close with the people who have sneezing and coughing problems.

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